What do I provide?

Academic coaching looks like:

  • Communication with teachers, tutors, athletic coaches:

    • How to interpret a teacher’s expectations/instructions with clarity and responsiveness. 

    • How to communicate with adults/teachers clearly and courageously

  • Identify personal strengths and challenges with doing assignments, and practicing utilizing those strengths while overcoming challenges in order to achieve success.

  • Practice using your voice, making clear requests

  • Regular check-ins to stay on track

  • Liaison between family and school, if requested

  • Help or supervision with skill building EF/HW/Reading/Time management


Personal coaching looks like:

  • Identify patterns, strengths and challenges in social-emotional development

  • Identify triggers in communication with family members.

  • Learn how to step back and slow down conversations, and emote in a healthy way.

This is not family therapy. This coaching is designed to support students with the real, usable soft skills that are needed today, and the strategies and habits that are hallmarks of academic success.

As a rule, I am committed to clear, concise, and timely communication with all stakeholders. Transparency and context help to build trust, and as partners on this journey it is important that parents/guardians are kept in the loop on my progress with their child.